After half a decade of existence, the 2019 Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrator Competition has generated an unprecedented level of enthusiasm, as 1,999 illustrators from 72 countries and territories entered their works in the competition.
All in all, it has been nearly 10,000 pieces of illustration that the five members of the 2019 Golden Pinwheel jury—Ivan Canu (Italy), André Letria (Portugal), Kiyoko Matsuoka (Japan), Yang Zhong (China), Zhou Xiang (China)— had to review throughout the summer. After three rounds and five weeks of intense work, they identified the 50 most creative and attractive series to be included in the 2019 Finalists selection, which we are happy to announce below.
The 50 finalists’ illustration series will be exhibited in a special Golden Pinwheel Exhibition taking place at the next China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair from 15 to 17 November. In addition, their works will be featured in the 2019 Golden Pinwheel Illustration Yearbook.

The 50 finalists come from more than 20 countries and territories. 2019 Finalists Selection (in alphabetical order):
Name | Country/Territory |
Ximo Abadia | Spain |
Somin Ahn | Korea |
An Zhe | Taiwan, China |
Anna Aparicio Català | Spain |
Monica Barengo | Italy |
Dale Blankenaar | South Africa |
Beatrice Cerocchi | Italy |
Rômolo Eduardo D'Hipólito | Brazil |
Stefano Di Cristofaro | Venezuela |
Anna Fadeeva | Russia |
Philip Giordano | Italy |
Gua Jila | China |
Gui Tuzi | China |
Emily Haworth-Booth | UK |
He Xianrui | China |
Gosia Herba | Poland |
Parvin Heydarizadeh | Iran |
Guilherme Karsten | Brazil |
Puck Koper | Netherlands |
Kin-Choi Lam | Hong Kong, China |
Taltal Levi | Israel |
Li Jingxin | China |
Liang Linghui | China |
Lu Lili | China |
Eva Mastrogiulio | Argentina |
Laura Merz | Finland |
Paweł Mildner | Poland |
Daniel Montero Galán | Spain |
Veronica Neacsu | Rumania |
Miguel Pang Ly | Spain |
Marta Pantaleo | Italy |
Sabrina Pérez | Uruguay |
Tania Rex | Lithuania |
Zack Rock | USA |
Veronica Ruffato | Italy |
Felicita Sala | Italy |
Eva Sánchez Gómez | Spain |
Dani Scharf | Uruguay |
Marco Somà | Italy |
Vanina Starkoff | Argentina |
Maria Titova | Russia |
Vendi Vernić | Croatia |
Maria Vyshinskaya | Russia |
Martina Walther | Switzerland |
Wang Ning | China |
Wu Feifei | China |
Wu Peng | China |
Xu Yu | China |
Zhao Niaor | China |
Zane Zlemeša | Latvia |
On 14 November, the Jury as a whole will hold a last round of meetings in Shanghai in order to determine the winners of the Golden Pinwheel special awards among the 50 finalists: one Grand Award (China), one Grand Award (International) and three Special Mentions. The results of their selection will be announced one day later, on the opening day of CCBF.
But before that, on 08 November, all the finalists’ artworks will be released on the Golden Pinwheel official website and submitted to a popularvote open to everyone in order to determine the winner of the People’s Choice Award. All CCBF visitors and CCBF will also be able to vote onsite at the exhibition. The chosen candidate will be announced on 17 November.
Finally, one of the abovementioned winners (Grand Awards, Special Mentions, People’s Choice Award) will be chosen to become the illustrator of CCBF’s visual identity in 2020. The visual identity will be integrated into the design of the fair’s website, social media, prints, gifts, media ads and outdoor advertising.